Combine the power of your nonfiction book with your social media.

Your nonfiction book should be working for you:

To build your credibility.

To wow and attract your audience on your social media.

To streamline your online marketing.

To generate leads.

Your book is the secret to being magnetic online.

Your book can help you create a compelling personal brand that resonates with those you want to work with.

It shows you are the expert in your niche!

It gives you a platform to share your ideas, insights, and stories, and connect with your readers on a deeper level. By leveraging your book, you can create a strong online presence that attracts more followers, leads, and customers. You can use your book to build your email list, create engaging content, and establish your authority in your field.

You've done the work. Now make it work for YOU!

Think of your book like a member of your team. It can work extremely hard for you to grow your business.

Your book needs to be out there, talking to people, showing them how you help and the results you generate.

It can provide referrals, shout-outs on social media, and be the introduction to the clients you want to work with.

If it's sitting with its feet up and having a cup of tea instead of doing these things, we should talk!

You & your nonfiction book deserve all the visibility to your ideal clients

More and more entrepreneurs and business owners are becoming published authors.

High-fives to you on publishing your book! It's not easy.

So, you’ve launched your book and feeling rather pleased with yourself, now what?

You've got to keep the momentum rolling. It’s just the start. There’s is so much fun still to come.

And that’s why I’m here.

To help you stay visible, sharing your expertise to the world, and reminding them why you are freaking awesome and they should come to you when they need your services.

If you’re feeling a tad EEEEKKKKKK at:

what to do next

turning your book into ALLLLL the social media posts

how to get it looking cool and consistent with your branding

and posting without it all sucking your time then check out how we can help you.

Your time is valuable. The more help you get, the steeper your learning curve and the quicker and more successful your social media is, bringing you the results that your business needs.

Work With Sarah

Amplify Your Author-ity

Transform your online strategy, implementation, use of time, and results using your book to revolutionise your online marketing strategy.

Done-for-you content from your book, podcast, courses, etc. to create a 'cookie jar' of social media posts that never runs out!

Sarah in your Pocket

Take full control of your social media yourself, but with Sarah's full support & mentoring. Gain knowledge, inspiration and confidence.

Welcome to our new website - it is still in progress!

Please get in touch via the Contact page so we can help you with your enquiry.

As an author you have a gazillion priorities, each push marketing lower down the to-do list. This is why I jumped at the chance to get Sarah's support.

Imagine the sense of achievement having all the social media posts, with various formats, scheduled to go out. Let me tell you, it feels like my message will finally get out into the world.

- Marie, published author and life coach


10 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Nonfiction Book into 90 Days of Compelling Social Media Content.



Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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