The Lead Generation Machine for Business Owners With a Book

How To Attract More High-Paying Clients by Turning Your Book Into a Social Media Magnet on Auto-Pilot

Ever wondered why some business books make it to the top of the bestsellers lists, and stay there for YEARS?

Or why some authors attract droves of raving clients and become an industry expert based on ONE book?


Other books seem to suffer a sad and silent death after their launch. Despite the fact that they’re actually very good!

The author poured their heart and soul into the book. Not to mention their years worth of professional experience.

Long evenings and entire weekends were spent slaving away at the keyboard. Only to see the book fade into oblivion a few months after its release.

So frustrating!

It’s enough to make any author wonder what on earth they’re doing wrong.

But hang in there.

Because in a moment, you’ll discover the simple fact of life that separates the high-flyers from the flops...

And how you can avoid making the same mistake.

What’s the key element in turning a book into a success and putting its author on the map?

Is it money?

Having an army of adoring fans?

Or knowing the right people?

You'd (naturally) think success is about being a household name or having a huge advertising budget.

But that couldn't be further from the truth...

The big names in your industry? Those successful authors who are grabbing all the attention? And who always seem to be landing the best gigs?

They all started small.

And yet, their book propelled them to the top.

So what’s the secret?

What do they know that others don’t?

It’s simpler than most people would imagine.

Successful business authors talk about their book.

Yes, there’s a little more to it than that.

An added twist that we’ll get to in a minute.

But talking about your book is the initial step.

Not just in the first few weeks after the launch, but all the time.

And instead of waiting for an opportunity to spread the word...

You need to create your own opportunities.


By turning to the one place that’s best suited for the job...

Social media.

Because that’s where you can connect with pretty much everyone who matters.

Prospects and potential clients, obviously. People who need your help to solve their issues and achieve their goals.

But also some very special “VIP” users...

Like the podcast, radio and TV hosts who are searching for great guests to have on their shows.

And event organisers, looking for their next speaker or guest expert: somebody super smart with heaps of experience and a compelling opinion.

All of those people are on social media, ready to find out more about just how awesome you and your book are.

The trouble is –

There’s a cold hard truth about social media that you should know...

Showing up daily isn’t enough for social media success.

Because if it was as simple as posting a lot?

Every selfie-queen and every ripped influencer would be a millionaire.

But if you’re a business owner who wants to get eyeballs on your book to draw eager clients and new contacts into your world?

You have to be smart about your social media.

Your posts should be engaging and insightful.

Interesting and entertaining, all at the same time.

Your audience has to feel like your posts are scratching an itch.

What you’re saying should resonate with what’s going through their mind.

Much like your book did in the first place.

In short...

You need to CAPTIVATE people.

Here’s what I mean by that.

C – Community

A – Arouse emotion

P – Problem-solving

T – Truth

I – Influence

V – Value

A – Ambush

T – Trust

E – Educate, Entertain & Excite

If your posts pass this 9-point checklist?

They'll stand out and get noticed by the right people.

I know, I know...

NINE points? Who’s got time for that, right?

It’s too much!

Probably too hard as well.

But don’t give up just yet.

Because there’s hope.

Let’s dig into that list a bit more first.

And then I’ll tell you about the
sticky dilemma many business authors are facing...

Plus how you can solve it.

C is for Community

Your audience, your tribe. What do they want? What do they need? And are you giving it to them? In a way that resonates with them?

A is for Arousing Emotion

Sure, facts are important. But your posts need to arouse emotions as well. Are you talking about their fears, their dreams, their issues and their ambitions?

P is for Problem-Solving

P doesn’t stand for pretty here. Fancy words are useless if you’re not solving a problem for your community. What’s holding them back? And how are you going to fix that?

T is for Truth

You’ll see a lot of bold claims on social media. And not all of them are true. Don’t be one of those people. Keep it real. Your audience will like you better for it.

I is for Influence

Want to be a person of influence? (Please note I didn’t say “influencer”!) Then try to be a positive influence in the lives of your audience. Show them how they can make things better, easier.

V is for Value

The best way to promote yourself on social media? Deliver proper value. Don’t just say how great you are. Prove it. By posting stuff that is actually helpful and interesting to your audience.

A is for Ambush

People often seem to go into a zombie-like trance when they’re on social media. To stop them from scrolling mindlessly, your posts need to stand out. “Ambush” your audience, so they take notice.

T is for Trust

We can smell a fake from miles away. So be authentic, be yourself. That may seem a little bit scary at times. But it’s absolutely vital if you want to gain the trust of your audience.

E is for Educate, Entertain & Excite

Social media is a wonderful space where facts and information meet fun, entertainment and emotion. If you get the combination right? Your audience will love you!

That, in a nutshell, is my 9-point checklist for social media success.

Posts that CAPTIVATE will get MORE TRACTION on social media.

They get shares. They get comments.

And the book those posts are referring to? That gets noticed too.

I know you might be thinking –

“But I heard organic reach was dead?”

And yes, things certainly have changed in recent years.

But then again, change is the very nature of social media (and of life itself, naturally).

Features come and go, while the all-powerful algorithms continue to get tweaked, updated, and tweaked some more.

Some things never change though.

Like the fact that
people appreciate quality content.

Organic reach may not be what it used to be...

But if your content is valuable and SPEAKS to your audience like they are living and breathing human beings with dreams, issues, goals and desires?

Your posts will stand out.

They’ll get noticed and they’ll get engagement.

And perhaps even more importantly, your audience will love you for being real – for being you – in a world seemingly infested with so-called “gurus” selling their latest hack or shortcut to success.

Because as I said, some things never change.

Now, when I tell business owners about all this, two things usually happen.

First, they nod their head.

And then they let out a long, frustrated sigh.

They tell me I’m right, but –

“There’s one major problem here...”

It’s what I refer to as:

The Business Author’s Dilemma

When you’re consistent and you ‘CAPTIVATE’ people on social media –

✅ You get more business.

But then that means you’re too busy to be on social media all the time.

❌ So after a while, business starts to suffer again... with fewer clients and fewer enquiries leading to less income.

How can you escape that vicious cycle of feast and famine?

You need a SYSTEM that does the work for you.

A system that talks about your book while you’re busy doing what you love – whether that’s working with clients, building your network, creating a new course, or chilling with your loved ones.

A system that draws attention to the book you wrote, attracting more people, more opportunities and more leads into your world.

An easy way to get noticed by the podcast hosts and event organisers of this world, looking for their next guest or speaker.

Without you having to lift a finger.

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, guess what?

I already built it.

‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ is a social media vault packed with months' worth of evergreen content, pulled straight from your book.

And best of all?

It’s NOT some pre-cooked, fill-in-the-blanks template that still leaves you to do all the hard work.

‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ is 100% custom-made, done for you and completely automated.

I’ll take your book and turn it into a huge collection of captivating posts and images.

And better yet, I’ll schedule all of them for you.

The result?

You don’t need to do anything, while the system spreads the word about your book and your expertise.

Working on auto-pilot across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ will do exactly what the name suggests...

Boost your authority and establish you as the go-to expert.

By putting your content in front of clients, leads, peers and the sort of people who can open even more doors for you.

After all, you wrote a book on an interesting topic.

And even in this digital age, people who make the effort to write an actual book? They stand out.

They’re a special breed of business owner.

We look up to them. We respect them.

We feel they must know something more than the rest of us, if they went through all that trouble of committing it to paper.

That’s who I created ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ for.

Business owners like you, who want to leverage the book they wrote in order to:

  • Reach a wider audience

  • Gain expert status

  • Get higher-paid work

  • Stop struggling for business

This fully personalised system will...

  • Save you massive amounts of time (Pro tip: spend it on your business and other fun things instead).

  • Remove the relentless pressure of coming up with new social media posts every week.

  • Eliminate the frustrating trial and error of figuring out what works on social media.

  • Feed valuable and engaging content to your audience for years to come.

  • Automate everything so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

  • Elevate your status as a professional and establish you as an expert in your field.

  • Generate leads on auto-pilot.

  • Put you and your book in front of the kind of people who can boost your authority and your fame even further: podcast hosts, peers, opinion makers and thought leaders.

  • Make you more attractive in the eyes of organisations, businesses, and event organisers who are looking for their next keynote speaker.

  • Give you the reassuring confidence that your social media is consistently reinforcing your authority, your credibility and your expertise.

All thanks to a steady supply of evergreen content posted automatically for you across the most effective platforms.

Like your very own virtual marketing officer, talking about you and your book to potential buyers, clients, opinion makers and event organisers.

“This is amazing. You've created nearly half a years worth of content!

"Usually, I find it difficult to be consistent on social media. Because if I’m consistent on social media, I drop everything else in my business, which I can’t do. So I’m very excited about this.”

~ Mitali, Published Author, Ethical Book Consultant & Publisher

“The topic of my book is a sensitive one, but you managed to keep on brand with my business. And you highlighted the humour of my book. Something I have been told is rare in a book such as mine.

Within days of posting on Twitter,
I was invited to speak about my story on a regional radio station.
I have also seen a steady increase in the sales of my book. Thank you for your wonderful work!”

~ Clara, Published Author and Back to Work Coach

“Flippin' awesome work, lady. This is epic, it really is."

"I’ve just finished going through all the posts and it was so comprehensive. Brilliant work. Thank you so much.”

~ Mari, Published Author and Life Coach

Why are these people so complimentary?

Because they’ve gone before you and they know how awesome ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ is.

Time for a proper introduction?

Hi, I’m Sarah Fletcher, and for more than a decade now I have lived and breathed all things social media.

Why social?

Because it offers businesses and people such an amazing opportunity. In the entire history of humankind, it’s never been easier to connect with your audience.

And connecting – that’s what it’s all about.

In a world where we’re bombarded by information, data and knowledge every moment of the day...

Connection is King!

Earning and maintaining that connection however?

That takes time. Plus sustained effort.

And that’s exactly where the trouble starts...

It’s a sad and familiar pattern I keep noticing with so many business owners.

First, they write a book. They’re super excited and they shout about it for a few months.

So far, so good.

But then they get busy – working with all these new clients, doing interviews and thinking about the next step.

Also, the shiny new thing begins to feel less shiny and new. They start worrying about irritating people by going on and on about that book they wrote.

So gradually, they stop talking about it.

A couple of months later? Their book doesn’t feature in their marketing at all.

And their audience seems to have stopped caring too.

All that time, effort, love, expertise – and health – gone into creating a book... And now they’re forgetting to tell people they’re a published author.

And that’s why I decided to create ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’.

You see...

I’m one of those individuals who can’t stand by and watch people struggle. Especially when they don’t have to.

I love helping others to be more successful.

I love making things easier for people and seeing their joy when the stress is gone and awesome things happen.

That’s what I do with this system.

You wrote the book.

You’ve earned the right to talk about it frequently.

Let ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ shout about it from the rooftops.

Are you asking these questions?

“But surely, everyone knows by now that I’ve written a book?”

I hear this a lot. And the short answer is yes, a few people know.

But with the exception of your mum, nobody will ever read every single one of your social media posts (mine does!).

People are too busy and too distracted for that. And social media is a very ‘noisy’ place that moves at such an incredibly fast pace.

When I started spreading the word about my system, one business owner told me: “I just assume everyone knows my book is there if they want it.” Surprise! They don’t.

Only a few days after that conversation, someone asked me if I knew what this person did, because they had no idea.

And I’ll tell you another true story.

While browsing through some posts of a client, I saw one of their friends had commented: “Oooh, I didn’t know you’d written a book!”


Both of those business owners believed they had posted about their book so many times that, surely, everybody knew... But they were wrong.

That’s why ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ will keep talking about your book – with the same passion and the same conviction – long after you’ve run out of steam.

“Won’t people get bored of me?”

If you’re talking about people’s problems, and presenting a possible solution, nobody’s going to get bored.

Like, never ever. 

Do you know when your book and your social media posts will STOP drawing in a new audience? 

The day the problem you’re addressing in your book ceases to be an issue people are struggling with. 

And let’s face it, that’s unlikely to happen any time soon. Because every day, there will be new people waking up to discover that they too need this solution.

Those people are just waiting to hear from someone who’s written a book on the subject.

Even years after you released yours. 

And the ones who already bought your book? 

The people who paid you to help them? 

Your happy clients? 

Guess what?

They won’t mind seeing your posts. 

On the contrary. 

When they see one of your posts popping up in their social media newsfeed, it’ll only remind them of how you helped them. 

Your automated post will be like a happy memory to them, putting a smile on their face. It might even prompt them to share your post. Or to talk about you to a friend, a partner or a coworker who would benefit from your help. 

Oh, and don’t worry about repeating yourself. Because your content vault will be stocked with posts and images for up to half a year or more.

And that’s if you decide to post every day of the week! 

After that?

The cycle starts over again. 

In the fast-moving world of social media, most people have long forgotten about those first posts by the time they begin to repeat.

“But will my content still be fresh and relevant in one or two years’ time?”

Your posts will remain fresh for just as long as the contents of your book are relevant.

For most books, that means several years. 

Take bestselling authors like Stephen Covey or Tim Ferriss for instance. Tim wrote his breakthrough book ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ in 2007 and people are still buying it, reading it and talking about it. 


Because his message is still relevant. 

And Stephen Covey first published ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ waaay back in 1989. 

But even after more than three decades (and years after his death), his book is still ranking high in the bestseller charts. 


You guessed it. It's still relevant today. 

And nobody’s complaining, “Yeah, shut up already, Tim! We all know you wrote a book.” 

People are sitting up and paying attention to what authors like him have to say. Simply because the message still resonates, long after the book was first launched. 

Here’s how it works

This is what you and I will do to make the magic happen:

  • You fill out an online application form, so I can decide if your book would be a good fit for the ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ system.

  • We have a meeting to discuss your book, your business, and to see if we’re a good match.

  • You give me a digital copy of your book and anything else that’s useful, such as worksheets and other bonus resources that normally come with your book. I’ll also need your branding documents, logos, style guide, testimonials, etc.

  • I trundle off and leave you in peace for a while.

  • Without bothering you, I read your book from cover to cover, carefully noting every part that could be harvested for attention-grabbing social media posts.

  • Using my years of insight into what works on social media, I extract a huge supply of posts from your book. Depending on the size and nature of the book, my aim is to create 70 to 150 posts and images.

  • I format the posts and images in a way guaranteed to generate attention on each of the four platforms that are most important and most relevant for you: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

  • You check and approve the content I come up with. This is the only part that’s likely to take up any time or effort on your part.

  • Once you’re happy, I schedule every single one of the posts to be released at an interval of your choice. This way, your content is published on social media automatically and you don’t have to worry about a thing.

  • We have a final meeting, during which I talk you through your brand new vault full of evergreen social media posts.

  • I make myself available to follow up if you have any questions or need further support.

  • You start enjoying a steady flow of attention, leads, invitations, and admiration from an ever increasing circle of raving fans, thanks to your own personalised and automated system.

From start to finish, the whole process takes about six weeks.

What’s a lead generation system on autopilot worth to you?

Business owners know their book isn’t going to make them rich all by itself. They realise they won’t be retiring on fat bags of cash brought in by sales royalties.

Because the money isn’t in the book itself.

The real gold is in the people it reaches, the doors it opens, the lives it changes, and the authority it reflects.

Your book is an introduction.

A way to get new people to enter your world. Because readers become fans, who then go on to buy one of your courses or attend a workshop...

Until one day, they join the ranks of your high-ticket clients.

But your book is a calling card as well.

It says you’re an expert. An authority in your field.

Which can bring you interviews and speaking gigs – opportunities that will further boost your status.

Sending you into an upwards spiral of recognition and success.

Just as long as your book remains visible.

And that’s exactly what ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ will do.

So right now, you have two choices.

You can leave your book to languish in obscurity...

Unloved and unnoticed, it will continue to generate no money and no business for you.

Forget about all the hard work you put into it.

Don’t look back on the many hours, days and weekends you spent writing in your office or at the kitchen table, surrounded by your notes.

And whatever you do, don’t think about why you wanted to write your book in the first place –

To reach more people.

To demonstrate to the world how awesome you are.

And to help YOU build the kind of business that serves your life even better.

All that’s just water under the bridge.

Time and energy wasted as it sinks into the Abyss of Amazon.


Your competitor’s book might already be climbing to the top of bestsellers list in your category on Amazon.

Getting noticed.

Opening doors and landing opportunities.

Boosting the author’s reputation and credibility as an expert.


You can turn your book into what it was always meant to be.

  • Proof of your authority in your niche.

  • A source of high-quality leads.

  • A magnet for an endless stream of people who are ravenously hungry to work with you.

That’s what your book is capable of being... if only its potential is leveraged in the right way.

Just like my fully automated social media magnet is designed to do for you.

What would that be worth to you?

How much would you be willing to pay for a system that:

  • takes the burden of content creation off your shoulders;

  • promotes your book while you focus on more important things;

  • continues to draw people into your business for years to come?

How do you put a price tag on something like that?

What’s the value of freedom, opportunity and growth?

How much would YOU stand to gain if this system generated just a handful of high-ticket clients for you?

Or one corporate gig?

To many business owners, the lifetime value of a client will be a tidy 4-figure amount... or more.

And landing a decent corporate gig can fetch several times that sort of money.

Now imagine how much you’d have to pay someone to bring in those leads for you.

They’ll charge you an upfront fee and they’ll probably take a cut of your profits as well.

All in all, you’re looking at paying thousands... Every. Single. Month.

Worse still –

When you stop paying them, the leads stop coming in too.


But for ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ you only pay ONCE.

And the system will continue to work hard for you for as long as your book remains relevant.

Which should easily be several years for most books.

And some even last longer than that.

So how much is that worth to you?




Your investment in this system isn’t anywhere near that.

‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ is only £4,999.

(Or $6,900 in US dollars)

That’s it.

No recurring costs.

No maintenance fees.

None of that needless nonsense.

Just a one-time investment of £4,999.

Or if you prefer to spread the cost, you can pay £977 per month for six months.

I realise this is not a decision to be taken lightly. So I want you to pause for a moment and reflect on something.

I want you to look ahead.

Six months or a year into the future.

What’s your book doing?

How are YOU and your business doing?

Will your business still be stuck at the same level you’re at now?

Or will your book be living up to its fullest potential as one of your most valuable commodities?

Not taking action always feels like the easiest, safest solution.

But it also means you’re choosing to remain where you are.

The fact of the matter is though...

You already wrote your book.

So give it every chance it deserves!

Leverage the power of your book and use it to drive your business for many years.

There’s plenty of life and potential left in your book.

But the moment you released it?

The clock started ticking.

And every day you wait is another day you’re not putting your own book to good use.

Another day it’s not bringing you the author-ity, the business and the profit that it should be.

‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ will keep generating leads and boosting your authority for as long as your book is relevant to your audience.

How long is that for your book?

Three years? Five?


During that entire time, your fully automated vault will continue to work tirelessly for you. Bringing you an endless supply of new readers, excited to be a part of your world.

All from a lead generation system you invested in years earlier.

If you’re ready to take that step?

Then fill out the online application form now.

It doesn’t commit you to anything yet...


‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ can help you to transform your business and elevate you to the status of a well-known and respected expert.

So please only take this next step if you feel you’re ready for that.

Because of the way I work, available spaces on this completely custom-made and personalised programme are limited.

I want to deliver value and I want you to have a system that reflects your business, your personality and your values.

For that reason, I can only take on a maximum of 2 to 3 clients each month.

Just like you, I’m protective of my precious time and my energy.

It’s why I’m only willing to work with people who are serious about their book’s prospects.

Committed business owners who want to see just how high they can get in the top of their field...

With the help of their brilliant book.

If that’s you? Then fill out the online application form.

And when I see your name hit my inbox, I’ll know how serious you are.

More Questions? I have answers!

Who is this for?

‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ is for business owners who have published a non-fiction book on their particular area of brilliance. 

They are mainly coaches, consultants, trainers, speakers and other service-based entrepreneurs. 

With their book, they want to help people overcome a problem, reach a wider audience, showcase their expertise and establish themselves as an authority on the subject. 

The issue these authors are facing is that in spite of a successful launch, their book has subsequently fallen from public awareness. They need a system that will keep their work in front of the people who matter for the long-term.

Who is this not for?

‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ isn’t meant for fiction novels, cookbooks and recipe books, memoirs and biographies, or reference works.

Those types of books need a different marketing strategy and a different system. The business model behind them is a very different beast as well. 

‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ works best for business owners who want to position their book and themselves as the definitive source of expertise on their subject.

I haven’t written my book yet. Is ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ for me?

It depends. This is not a book launch programme.

Writing a good book and ensuring its release receives plenty of attention – that’s obviously an important part. But it’s not the same as strategising for what happens after the book launch. That’s a completely different situation: different challenges need different solutions. 

‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ is a system designed for books that have already been released. For authors who now want to see their book serving them and their audience over the months and years that follow.

For business owners who wish to get the most out of their books in terms of business leads, invitations and recognition as an expert.

Having said that... If your book is nearly ready to be released, it might be a good idea to start thinking about your post-launch strategy. 

How much work is this going to be for me?

As little as possible! That’s the whole idea. 

There’s an initial meeting about your book and your business, where we explore whether we feel we can work together.

Then you give me a copy of your book, and I disappear to work my magic. Next, you need to check and approve the posts I come up with. There will be anywhere between 70 to 150 of them, depending on your book. So this stage will probably take up most of your time. 

Once you’re happy with the result, we discuss how you’ll be using those posts. Scheduling them is the easiest option, as that means they’re posted on your social media profiles automatically. 

But don’t worry, because I’ll do the scheduling for you. 

Finally, we have one more meeting where I show you how to make the absolute most out of this enormous vault of evergreen posts I have created for you.

After that, your system is up and running, and our project is complete! 

That’s the beauty of this system... 

It’s so straightforward for the author! 

Once the posts are created and scheduled? 

There are no headaches and no complications.

Up to 150 posts?! Won’t you be giving away everything that’s in my book?

I understand the obvious concern. 

But no, we won’t be giving everything away on social media. 

That vault of evergreen and ready-made content isn’t a quick copy & paste job. 

It’s designed to draw the attention of your target audience, and to entice them to check out your book. 

Nobody has EVER solved a complex problem they were facing simply by threading together a hundred or more social media posts on the subject.

And who has the time to do that?

Even if somebody were to search out every single one of your posts, it would only compel them to read the book you have written.

Because that’s just how we human beings tick. 

When someone shows us they understand our issue and the reasons behind it? 

We are more likely to view them as an expert on the matter. And as someone we can trust. Even before they have shown us a possible solution! 

That’s why a business author should have something like ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ - an automated system to showcase your expertise on social media, 24/7. 

FAQ image

Will this work for me if I’m in industry ‘XYZ’?

Amplify Your Author-ity is in no way restricted by the industry or niche you’re in. 

The reason why you wrote your book in the first place is much more the deciding factor. 

This system is designed to help business owners who published a nonfiction book with a clear objective in mind: 

To showcase your expertise

To serve a wider audience

To position yourself as an authority on the subject

To generate more leads and opportunities

To attract the attention of clients, peers, opinion makers and event organisers

If your book solves a problem for your audience and if it was designed to draw the right kind of people into your world? 

Then Amplify Your Author-ity will work for you.

My book topic is very sensitive and I’m not sure it’s right for social media.

If your book is on a topic that affects human beings, and those human beings are online... then it’s right for social media.

My client Clara had this to say: 

The topic of my book is a sensitive one, but Sarah managed to keep on brand with my business. And she highlighted the humour of my book. Something I have been told is rare in a book such as mine.” 

Social media isn’t all funny cat videos or angry political rants. It caters to every creed of human behaviour and to every flavour of human interests. 

And each social media platform has its own style, its own vibe and its own quirks. Which is why it’s important to get this right! 

No serious business author should rely on a haphazard process of trial and error when it comes to their social media. 

You’re far better off trusting a social media badass with over 14 years of experience. 

Someone who’s fun to work with, who actually listens to her clients, and who understands exactly what their business needs. 

Me, in other words. 

Is there a money-back guarantee?

No, but I’ve got something even better than that... 

A satisfaction guarantee. 

We collaborate on every stage of the process, and I have you sign off on all the posts before any of them go live. So there’s simply no need for a money back guarantee.

Instead, I guarantee that I will not be happy unless you are happy. 

Because my work isn’t completed until ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’ is working exactly the way it’s meant to.

What’s your next step?

You wrote a book that fills a need.

It helps your audience to solve a problem, and achieve their goal. Maybe even their dream.

Are you really going to allow that book to go to waste?

Your book should be bringing in new clients, and attract interviews, speaking engagements and other business opportunities.

Most of all though, it should show the world who you truly are...

A talented and experienced authority in your field of work.

But that’s only going to happen if you place your book at the heart of your marketing.


The book you wrote is a goldmine of valuable content, waiting to be leveraged on social media where everyone can see it.

I know you’re probably too busy for that.

And perhaps you feel out of your depth when you realise how much work and technical challenges are involved.

It’s what most business owners tell me when I talk to them about their book.

That’s why you need ‘Amplify Your Author-ity’.

All you have to do is give me a copy of your book and I’ll do all the hard work.

I'll set up the system for you:

  • Completely automated and fully tailored to your book, your business and your brand.

  • A social media magnet with months’ worth of content.

  • Guaranteed to be relevant for as long as your book continues to be helpful to your audience.

  • A lead generation machine drawing in new people and opportunities on auto-pilot.

  • Your 24/7 social media ambassador, positioning you as an expert in your industry.

If you think you’re ready for that next step, fill out the online application form.

And then we’ll talk about your book soon.

Not for you?

Fair enough! Please share this with another awesome business author you know it will make a huge difference to.

Thanks for dropping in 😊

© Copyright 2023 Mushroom Soufflé.