The Nonfiction Book Marketing Blog

An open book with a glowing lightbulb coming out of it

You Need These To Launch Your Nonfiction Book

May 25, 20233 min read

“Not only are bloggers suckers for the remarkable, so are the people who read blogs .” - Seth Godin

Without them it’s going to be HAAAARRRRRDDDD.
And after the launch, they’re important then too.
Actually, all the time.
OK, they are a top priority ALL OF THE TIME for marketing your business book

But let’s start with building the excitement around your book launch.
Then keep jogging the sales after that with…

📚 B O O K 📚 R E V I E W S📚 

People need social proof; they are the official stamp of approval. Your potential readers are buying something that’s already been tried and tested, and people have gotten results.

Other people shouting about your book creates FOMO* in others. 

They NEED to read your book because of the expertise you share, that they want. 

They WANT to experience those “AH HA!” moments other readers are having.

Let’s look at this closer:

  • 92% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials when considering a purchase. 

  • 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. 

  • 72% of them say positive reviews and testimonials make them trust a business more. 

Those are big numbers!

And that is a massive amount of credibility to leverage with some sweet testimonials from genuine readers.

  • 95% of people say that reviews – whether positive or negative – influence their purchasing decisions.

They WILL help sell your book.

Now, you might be having an ‘oh shit’ moment.

Before their launch, Authors have told me they don’t have any testimonials yet, no one has read it. 

Go get them!

Ask for volunteer readers.

Turn to your trusted people, those supporting you, the people who are your target market, existing clients.

Do a shout-out on your social media or in your business mentoring group.

Find those people. 

If a physical copy isn’t ready yet, give ‘em a digital copy. They can read it, give feedback, and write a review for you to use when you launch.

These gorgeous people also become part of your launch team and help you with the launch itself. They can share your social media posts, recommend it to those it can help, and generally shout about it.
will increase the success of your launch and sell more books. 

Other people won’t want to miss out on reading your awesomeness and gaining the benefits it offers them.


the more book reviews you have on Amazon, the better your results will be on there..

If you’re relying on Amazon as your biggest book reseller, book reviews can make or break you as an author. Especially if you’re self-published.

Having a pool of real, raving reviews makes your book stand out from the crowd and can boost the momentum of your book launch.

Amazon ranks books based on the volume of sales and reviews.
Get this prepped in advance of your launch to maximise the marketing of your business book.

(Let’s face it, this is a vital part of ANY business  product or service launch!)

And when we work together so I can turn your book into a Cookie Jar of evergreen social media posts, guess what else I’m going to ask you for… Yep, your book reviews!

You worked hard for those; share them with the world!


Sources of numbers quoted:

*Fear Of Missing Out

Sarah Fletcher and the Mushroom Soufflé team specialise in turning your nonfiction book into mini lead magnets for social media. Transform your social media strategy and results, as well as maximising your time and incredible nonfiction book. Check out our >> Done-For-You Content << options.

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