The Nonfiction Book Marketing Blog

A pile of nonfiction books on the table

Do your readers WANT to buy your nonfiction book?

October 05, 20222 min read

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself." - Peter F Drucker

The number of people searching Amazon for business books to change their lives has to be ridiculously HUGE numbers *. When they click through to your book page, does the description grab them by the throat screaming:


or whatever other message (maybe not that aggressive!) they need to make them automatically click Add to Basket or Buy Now?

Go and look at it…

Does it?

This page, your book page, is your sales page.
Fuck knows how many people idly scrolling through Amazon will read it.
This needs to ooze with the wonderfulness of what reading your book will do for them.

And stand out from all the other millions of books on there.

You know exactly who your book is written for, the challenges they’re experiencing, the result they want, and how you make that happen for them.

  • How is it going to jolt them into action?

  • Will it inspire them to achieve that amazing thing they desire?

  • What advice does it offer that will make XZY in their life or business that is driving them nuts soooo much easier?

Go and read it.
(Go on! I know you didn’t earlier ^^).
Does it sound like a book you MUST buy?

It’s not just on Amazon; other book sellers are available!

Wherever your book is available to buy – Ingram Sparks, an indie bookseller or your own website – make the sales page as enticing to your potential readers as an Aperol Spritz on a hot summer’s day. (Just me?)

Make it a no-brainer for your ideal reader to click that buy button.


*I feel I need actual numbers writes it on the to-do list

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If what to say on social media still bugs you, your book has everything you need!

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