The Nonfiction Book Marketing Blog

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Why turn your nonfiction book into social media posts?

May 04, 20232 min read

“People share, read and generally engage more with any type of content when it’s surfaced through friends and people they know and trust.” - Malorie Lucich

Transforming your nonfiction book into compelling evergreen social media posts will revolutionise your online marketing.

It will remove the 'what do I say on social media?' questions.

Especially when they’re in a system that automatically rolls out for you (but not in a spammy dick way).

You’ll save yourself an insane amount of time having it all there whenever you need it, instead of making stuff up on the fly when you have to.

Your message will come through loud and clear on your profiles. No more waffling!

Your posts will help people, build your credibility, encourage them to talk back to you, generate hand raisers of those interested in working with you.

Imagine all those bite sized lead magnets chatting away to your audience for you, sharing awesome advice, pinpointing their challenges and how you can help, promoting your book, reminding people of your status as a published author and expert at the top of your niche.

These generate conversations, which builds relationships and trust, and contributes to building your pipeline of the right people wanting to work with you or offer you opportunities such as podcast interviews and speaking at events.

You can do this yourself or… hand your book over to me and we do it for you!

Mitali Deypurkaystha is a book ninja who helps ethical and vegan entrepreneurs to write, publish and promote their own books. And just like most of us, she’s very busy. Which is one reason why she loves my automated system.

Hear what she has to say…

FREE ebook for you from me with love. Download it here > 10 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Nonfiction Book into Compelling Evergreen Social Media Content

OR check out Amplify Your Author-ity, the full service where we do it all for you!

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10 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Nonfiction Book into 90 Days of Compelling Social Media Content.

If what to say on social media still bugs you, your book has everything you need!

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